Re: vim with fo+=a
On 2006-08-16, William Yardley <mutt-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> With auto-wrapping (fo+=a), I have a hard time editing the headers with
> $edit_headers set. Thought I'd seen something about this before, but couldn't
> find it. Anyone have a quick and easy way to deal with this, or should I try
> the vim list?
Trying to edit headers with fo+=aw is a real pain. I developed a
solution when I was using vim 6.4 that works well enough, but it's a
hack and I'm sure something better could be done now with some of
the functions and autocommands added to vim 7.0. For mail files, I
have syntax highlighting turned on and a CursorHold autocommand that
determines the syntax highlighting group that the cursor is in.
Basically, if the group is mailHeader, mailEmail, mailSubject or
mailSignature, 'a' and 'w' are removed from 'fo'; otherwise they are
both added.
Gary Johnson | Agilent Technologies
garyjohn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | Wireless Division | Spokane, Washington, USA