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mutt newbie question re: IMAP INBOX

Hi there-

I am trying to move over to Mutt from T-bird and am really enjoying
using Mutt.  I've got one little thing, however, that I'd like to
resolve (or understand if this is the correct behavior).  I am using
an IMAP account with fastmail so the relevant parts of my .muttrc file
are as follows:

set folder='imaps://mail.messagingengine.com/INBOX'
set imap_check_subscribed = yes
set imap_home_namespace = 'INBOX'
set imap_pass = mypassword'
set imap_user = 'myusername@xxxxxxxxxxx'
set spoolfile = 'imaps://mail.messagingengine.com/INBOX'
set mask = '.'

Now, this works just fine.  When I log in, I see the contents of my
INBOX.  When I do c-?, to get a list of all the subfolders within my
INBOX, but I don't see how to get back to the INBOX itself.  There is
../ at the top, so when I select that, the list now shows all the same
subfolders as before, but now there is an entry at the top of the
list, IMAP + INBOX, and at the bottom, there is IMAP INBOX.  So there
are two INBOX entries listed, the first with IMAP+ in front and second
with just IMAP.  If I select IMAP+INBOX, then it just goes back to the
list of subfolders.  If I select IMAP INBOX, then it shows the
contents of the INBOX.

Is this making sense?  Is this correct behavior?  Basically, what I
would like to have happen is when I do c-?, I get a list of all the
subfolders, just like now, but when I select the ../, it would go back
to listing the contents of INBOX.

Or, should I not care about this?  :)
