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Re: Demoroniser (was: Display Filters)

Hello Mun,

 On Sunday, July 2, 2006 at 14:00:17 -0700, Mun Johl wrote:

> other better, cleaner solutions?

    Sure! I can suggest at least two alternatives:

 -A) Switch to an UTF-8 terminal and locale. This will perfectly show
those special chars, and way more.

 -B) A Latin-1 terminal and locale with $charset=iso-8859-1//TRANSLIT
This will show approximations for those special chars (and some others),
much in the way one was hoping from Demoroniser.

    But those solutions properly apply to well formed mails (no more
question marks), to index, and to replies you compose. The remaining
problems are with malformed mails (non-MIME, MIME with lacking charset
label, or wrong label). For westerners, 99% of such broken mails can be
repaired on-the-fly with:

| unset strict_mime
| set assumed_charset=windows-1252
| charset-hook ^us-ascii$   windows-1252
| charset-hook ^iso-8859-1$ windows-1252

    Those solutions are well tested, provide the expected benefit in all
possible cases, and have none of the drawbacks Demoroniser or such
$display_filters can have. Out of the 2 alternatives, of course (A) is
The Royal Way, while (B) is only a poor suboptimal workaround.

Bye!    Alain.
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