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Re: Display Filters

On Fri, 2006-06-30 at 16:53:02 +1000, Troy Piggins sent:
>* Stephan Seitz <nur-ab-sal@xxxx>:
>>On Fri, Jun 30, 2006 at 04:02:53PM +1000, Troy Piggins wrote:
>>>figured out.  I got the ^[ by hitting ctrl-v then ESC, but how
>>>do your get the BEL?
>>By hitting ctrl-v then g.
>Umm, I hit ctrl-v then g and all it prints is g.
>It's an escape sequence, not the std 'g' key.
I think that should be Ctrl-v Ctrl-g. Or in Vim, you could type
ctrl-k then BL .

Hope this helps;


Pete Johns                                   <http://johnsy.com/>
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