Re: urlview wraps
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On Tuesday, June 13 at 03:05 PM, quoth Jason Helfman:
> Urlview is wrapping any meeting request, and I believe some other urls, but
> most prominently the meeting requests.
> Here is what it is wrapped to with urlview ( I am using the standard
> script)
> UrlView 0.9: (7 matches) Press Q or Ctrl-C to Quit!
> -> 1
> http://EXCHANGE1/exchange/jhelfman/Inbox/Monthly%20Vendor%20Outage%20Repo=
> 2 http://EXCHANGE1/exchange/jhelfman/Inbox/Monthly%20Vendor%20Outag=
> 3 http://EXCHANGE1/exchange/jhelfman/Inbox/Month=
> Any help would be great.
What exactly is the problem with this wrapping? From your description,
it seems like just a display problem.
I'm guessing the problem is that urlview isn't getting the whole URL,
and so you aren't able to get to those long URLs easily. If that's the
case, then most likely the problem is not with urlview, but rather
with how you are piping it. If $pipe_decode is set, then what will be
piped to urldecode is whatever gets displayed, exactly as it is
displayed (i.e. wraps and all)---I'm guessing that you have
$pipe_decode set. If that's the case, I suggest either unsetting
$pipe_decode in your muttrc, or try using this macro to unset it just
for urlview (all one line):
macro index,pager \cb "<enter-command>unset
pipe_decode<enter>" "send urlview the unmodified message"
- --
I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us
with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.
-- Gallileo
Comment: Thank you for using encryption!