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Automatic display of X-Face


For those who'd like to display the X-Face of a message
automatically, here's a dirty way to do it:

--- xfacefilter.sh ---
# display_filter for mutt                                         #
# to automatically show X-Faces in pager at end of message        #
#                                                                 #
# Required programs:                                              #
# formail, uncompface, icontopbm, image2ascii                     #
#                                                                 #
# Usage examples muttrc:                                          #
# unignore X-Face                                                 #
# set display_filter=xfacefilter.sh                               #
## in case you want to write tmpfile only if needed:              #
# message-hook ~A "set display_filter=''"                         #
# message-hook "~h ^X-Face:." "set display_filter=xfacefilter.sh" #
## at end of filter chain:                                        #
# set display_filter="sed -f myfilter.sed|xfacefilter.sh"         #
set -e
        rm -f "$tf"
trap "CLEANUP" 0 1 2 3 15
tf=`mktemp -t ${self}.XXXXXXXXXX` || exit 1
tee "$tf"
xface=`formail -zcx X-Face: <"$tf"`
if [ -n "$xface" ]
        printf "\n\n===== X-Face displayed by $self =====\n\n"
        echo "$xface" | {
                echo '/* Width=48, Height=48 */'
        } |
        icontopbm |
exit $?
--- end ---

If you don't like ascii-graphics in the pager removing the
printf... line and using "xli -fork stdin" or something similar
instead of image2ascii should work too, but I wanted to keep the
example small.

In python I could think of ways to avoid the tempfile creation,
but this is faster.

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