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Re: Frustrating mutt address problem

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On Thursday, May 25 at 06:24 PM, quoth Seth Williamson:
>First, I am very grateful for your clear and patient help.  Thank you very 
>much.  I will respond to some of the stuff below later, but right now I'm 
>still trying to make the blasted thing work.

Happy to help.

>Got msmtp installed but not working yet.


>When I try to send, I get this error:
>msmtp: the server does not support authentication                    
>msmtp: could not send mail (account default from /home/seth/.msmtprc)

You can test things out by doing this:

    msmtp -a default -S

It will print out information about your server.

But, the error message there points to the problem: your server does 
not support authentication, or in other words, you cannot authenticate 
before sending mail, which means that either you cannot send mail via 
this server or you do not need to authenticate before sending mail.
Many ISPs use SMTP servers that will freely relay anything from their 
clients, without authentication. In any case, you need to turn 
authentication *off* in your msmtprc file.

>account default
>host mail.ntelos.net
>from orthodox@xxxxxxxxxx
>auth login
>user orthodox@xxxxxxxxxx
>password pass

Try this:

    account default
    host mail.ntelos.net
    from orthodox@xxxxxxxxxx
    auth off

- -- 
Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired 
signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are 
not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.
                                               -- Dwight D. Eisenhower
Comment: Thank you for using encryption!
