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Re: how to filter a long list of To: addresses

* On 2006.05.21, in <20060521093925.GA10803@xxxxxxxxxxxx>,
*       "phyrster" <phyrster@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> My organization, when sending email messages to its staff, often put a long
> list of users in To: field. It is a pain for me to page down a few times
> in order to read the message body.
> How to filter out this long list of To: addresses and preferably just show my
> address in To: field?

I used to suffer from this scourge.  I solved it using procmail, which
might or might not be to your liking, since it rewrites original message

The place I worked then sent these messages using "All in 1", an
application that managed distribution lists on VMS.  Messages
with long To: likes were distinguished by an "A1-Type:" header,
so this recipe triggers on that.  It looks for To: and Cc: headers
more than 5 lines long and replaces them with a group notation,
with the original To: list relocated to X-VMS-Long-(To|Cc)-Header:
in case I needed to look at it without header weeding.

## If the To: line is too long, shrink it.
TO=`formail -zx To:`
CC=`formail -zx Cc:`
:0 f
* ^A1-type:
| ( \
        if [ `echo "$TO" | wc -l` -gt 5 ] ; then \
                formail -R To: X-VMS-Long-To-Header: | \
                formail -I "To: X-VMS-Long-To-Header:;"; \
        else \
                cat; \
        fi; \
) | ( \
        if [ `echo "$CC" | wc -l` -gt 5 ] ; then \
                formail -R Cc: X-VMS-Long-Cc-Header: | \
                formail -I "Cc: X-VMS-Long-Cc-Header:;"; \
        else \
                cat; \
        fi; \

 -D.    dgc@xxxxxxxxxxxx        NSIT    University of Chicago