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Re: aliasing mailing lists

On 21May2006 19:25, Matt Price <matt.price@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
| On Sat, May 20, 2006 at 03:36:32PM +1000, Cameron Simpson wrote:
| > I used to include the bogofilter and spamassassin stuff here, but now
| > I actually do my spam filtering in an entirely separate scheme before
| > the main procmailrc fires off.
| > 
| > I use getmail to deliver directly to a "spool" folder, and a shell
| > daemon watches that and spamfilters into "spam" and "spool-in". Another
| > daemon watches "spool-in" and hands to procmail with the autogenerated
| > .procmailrc mentioned above.
| > 
| > If you're using bogofilter you might be interested in using a RAM disc
| > to speed it up (it's very data integrity minded, at a huge speed
| > penalty); my approach is written up here:
| > 
| >   http://cs070.blogspot.com/2006/03/bogofilter-and-circumventing-fsync.html
| Cameron, thisi s very neat.  Do you have the other little partso f
| this scheme somewhere -- I gues the getmailrc & the two "shell
| daemons" you talk about?  I suppose it ought to be easy to figure out,
| but for instance I'm not sure how to filter mail direclty based on
| bogofilter's outcome (do you use some kind of grep/formail
| combination?).

Something like that. I set up get mail to delivery directly to a maildir
folder called "spool". I run this script:


to kick off the daemon scripts, which are:


The first one monitors "spool" and delivers to "spool-in" or "spam".
The second monitors "spool-in" and files via the .procmailrc in

The wrapper for bogofilter is here:


and the "copy back from the ramdisc to ~/.bogofilter/" is here:


called, naturally, less often than bogofilter itself.

They all live off a bunch of other scripts in that directory; there's a
tarball available from this page:


if you want the whole kit (easiest - see the Install link), or feel free to
read the mail-de* scripts and code your own based on their methods.

Basicly, mail-despam gathers up messages in groups of 128 (arbitrary
number) and hands them to bogofilter in batch mode, which reports
spamminess as its output.  The spam goes directly to spam, the non-spam
to spool-in, and the maybes get tested by spamassassin and divided up
the same way, with no "maybe" category.

| Though I suppose giventhe INCLUDERC possibility, it would be possible
| to do your automated approach without the further splitting of
| functions suggested by this scheme.

I think of the INCLUDERC as orthoganal to the mail filing daemons.
Because I make the .procmailrc with cats2procmailrc I don't need the
INCLUDERC= stuff, but the .procmailrcs could as easily use includes as
not - that is just an issue of how to maintain the .procmailrc rules,
not of what arrangements you make getting the email into procmail.

Cameron Simpson <cs@xxxxxxxxxx> DoD#743

Death is life's way of telling you you've been fired.   - R. Geis