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Mailcap, autoview, and exporting

I apologize if this was already covered, I grep the archives but didn't
see it.  IF it was, please just point me in the right direction and I'd
be happy to look there:

My problem is simple, and I think I've made it overly complex.  When I
get HTML emails, which I get a lot, I want to A) see it in-line using
elinks and B) have it saved somewhere else.  I've put this in my
"ext/html; cp %s /home/dave/public_html/mail%s.html | sleep 2 | chmod -R
777 /home/dave/public_html/mail/* | elinks -dump -dump-charset
iso-8859-15 -default-mime-type text/html %s; needsterminal;
and while it works, you can see why it is not ideal.  First, it's
impossible to know what temp file is what in the public dir and secondly
the internal pager is made to look ugly with this long command
displayed.  Is there anything you can suggest to clean this up, or even
make this situation function better?

Dave Waxman

"The only "intuitive" interface is the nipple. After that, it's all learned." - 
Bruce Ediger, in comp.os.linux.misc, on X interfaces