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Re: aliasing mailing lists

On (03:25 18/05/06), cga2000 <cga2000@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> put forth the proposition:
> I already have a procmail set of rules that selects messages from
> mailing lists and automatically copies them to an mbox in ~/mail/lists
> whose name is the full name of the mailing list.
> ie.
> $ ls -1 ~/mail/lists
> bug-bash@xxxxxxx
> debian-laptop@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> debian-printing@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> debian-user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> ...
> And naturally, my .muttrc has the subscribe commands to define as a
> mailing list each file in the mail/lists directory.
> So, in order to generate a typo-free alias file for my mailing lists
> I wrote a one-line script that pipes the above through awk like so:
> ls -1 ~/mail/lists | grep @ |awk -F@ '{print "alias" " " $1 " " "<" $1 "@" $2 
> ">"}' 

Nice. I've just tried out this as shell script/key bind but made an extra line:

ls -1 ~/mail/lists | grep @ |awk -F@ '{print "alias" " " $1 " " "<" $1 "@" $2 
">"}' > ~/.mutt/lists
ls -1 ~/mail/lists | awk '{print "mailboxes +lists/" $1}' >> ~/.mutt/lists

And in my binds file:

macro   generic \ca     "!~/scripts/listalias\n:source ~/.mutt/lists\n"

Now the mailboxes commands are sourced from my lists file too. So all I do is
keep .procmailrc updated with new list rules and hit ^a in mutt to auto update
the aliases and mailboxes.

With a gentleman I try to be a gentleman and a half, and with a fraud I
try to be a fraud and a half.
                -- Otto von Bismark