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Re: chinese word becomes __, when save attachment file

On Fri, 2006-05-12 at 17:12:37 +0200, Ye Fei wrote:
>   I am a chinese user of mutt 1.5.11+cvs20060403-1 in Debian testing.
>   When I receive an email with attachment file with chinese name, it
>   can be displayed correctly in mutt.  However when I save it to disk,
>   all the chinese words become _________, one chinese word is
>   displayed by two "_". Anyone has any idea for this problem?

You can try a more recent version of mutt. If you try the CVS version
of mutt, the file name should displayed correctly. The Debian testing
version indeed displays a Chinese character as __ or ___, depending on
your LANG or LC_ settings.

>From the Changelog

2006-04-18 15:28:50  Thomas Roessler  <roessler@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
        * recvattach.c: Fix saving of attachments.


2006-03-28 01:08:28  Paul Walker  <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
        * recvattach.c: Sanitize attachment file names (seatbelt for
        inattentive recipients).
