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Re: Reading UTF-8 Mail (was Re: e-mail encoding/formatting)

On Sat, May 06, 2006 at 05:39:42PM +0200, Alain Bench wrote:
>  On Thursday, May 4, 2006 at 18:18:36 -0400, Richard Cobbe wrote:

> Note that not setting any locale variables is *not* a sensible
> configuration.

Perhaps it's not, but it's always worked for me.  This is probably a
system-dependent issue, but are there any signficant differences between
the C locale and the en_US locale (which is what I'd use if I were to
set this explicitly)?

>  On Friday, May 5, 2006 at 8:29:13 -0400, Richard Cobbe wrote:
> > [uxterm] Kyle's curly quotes and the box-drawing characters in the
> > index are slightly different---still wrong, just different).
>     Kyle’s Kurly quote was displayed "?~@~Y", on your screen copies. In
> what is it different now? Here: ’

I haven't bothered to give a screen shot for reasons described below.
But it was just a different set of bogus characters, one of which isn't

>     The output of the locale command also disturbed me, but well... Its
> behaviour just seems different under MacOS. A little bit confusing, but
> nothing grave.
>     BTW: "locale -a" lists en_US.UTF-8 as available?


In any case, I've finally gotten this working.  Upgrading to mutt 1.5.11
and running it in xterm started with the command-line 
    uxterm -fn -Misc-Fixed-Medium-R-Normal--18-120-100-100-C-90-ISO10646-1
does the right thing -- both the threading arrows in the index screen
and Kyle's curly quotes display as appropriate.

I just grabbed a more recent version out of Fink; in response to your
point elsewhere in the thread, Alain, this version was *not* compiled
with the LOCALES_HACK option.  Whether it was that or the version
upgrade I do not know, but it does work correctly.

Thanks to all for your help!

Now to see if I can replicate this on the slightly older Mac at work.
In theory, they're both running 10.4.6 and the latest fink packages, but
there are some weird font differences in X that I haven't bothered to
try to track down yet.
