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Re: PuTTY charsets (was: Web frontend?)

Greetings Alain,

Alain Bench wrote:
>  On Thursday, May 4, 2006 at 19:27:59 -0400, Todd Zullinger wrote:
>> I've got putty [...] to get access to my home machine. [...] it has
>> it's annoyance with character encodings and such
> Well, PuTTY can easely be configured to use any of some 35 charsets
> (called there "Translations"). If you can find a matching locale,
> any charset will just work. The easiest way could be selecting the
> same charset as your home machine provides you directly. What
> annoyance?

Damn you Alain.  You would ask for details and probably have me
demonstrate that it's just a PEBKAC. :)

The most obvious annoyances I recall involve line drawing.  Ncurses
apps I use (mutt, ncmpc, ...) never display right in Putty.  In mutt,
the thread tree isn't displayed correctly, for example.  ATM I'm
drawing a blank on some of the other minor annoyances I've had using
putty.  (I tend to be annoyed in general when I'm stuck using a
windows box. :)

I've had this problem with putty for as long as I can remember but I
don't have to use it often enough to have ever really spent serious
time trying to solve it.  It's still an issue for me with Putty 0.58
which I installed a few weeks ago when I had to work on my parents XP

I thought that I'd tried most every combination of settings and not
found joy, though I have read that putty can be made to work quite
well (which it does it most areas).  In putty's Translation settings,
I've tried Latin-1 (the default), Latin-9, UTF-8, and Use font
encoding settings.  I thought that UTF-8 would do the trick as that's
what my ssh server uses, but it did not.

I also tried each of the settings to adjust how putty handles line
drawing characters.  I believe that I tested each of these with each
different setting for the character set.

I tried this with a number of different monospace fonts that are
included with XP (and in the past with Win9[58]), as I'm not sure
which, if any, include the proper glyphs to do the line drawing.

I'm not near an XP box now to test with, but if you have some advice
for what settings and fonts to try I will gladly try them out as soon
as I can.  I try hard not to be stuck in front of a Windows box for
very long or very often, but anything that helps to make the times
that I am more comfortable would be greatly appreciated.

Patrick's suggestion of creating a DSL + qemu usbkey looks like a
really nice way to have a portable and familiar environment, but it
may still be handy to keep putty setup on my key as well, for systems
that are too slow to to the virtualization at usable speeds.


Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xD654075A | URL: www.pobox.com/~tmz/pgp
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    -- Voltaire

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