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Re: [POLL] Attachment counting

Am 2006-05-01 11:02:41, schrieb David Champion:

> A question has come up on mutt-dev about mutt's attachment counting
> code, which is available in recent CVS versions of mutt 1.5 or as a
> patch for earlier releases.  We're evaluating how to simplify the
> relevant code.

Since you are talking about a CVS version which I do not use...

> 1. Do you use the %X feature for $index_format (formerly $hdr_format)?

Since my version of mutm has no such feature, I like
to see a counter instead of only "has atachment(s)".

> 2. Do you use the ~X feature for searching or for limiting?

I am waiting for it...

> 3. Would you use either of these features if they were in your
>    current version of mutt?


> 4. If you use %X in your $index_format, do you primarily use it
>    to say whether a message has attachments ("paperclip style" --
>    e.g., %?X?foo&bar?), or do you really care about the number of
>    attachments present?
> 5. If you use either of these features, have you customized your Attach
>    and Unattach rules in muttrc?
> 6. If you have customized these rules, do you ever modify them, or do
>    you use the same rules all the time?
> 7. Would you consider it a loss for the attachment counter to be reduced
>    strictly to "paperclip style" -- that is, only indicating whether
>    attachments are present, with no configurability of what counts as an
>    attachment and without counting attachments?

Yes, it is a loss.

> 8. Would you consider it a loss for the attachment counter to be removed
>    completely?

Since I have no such feature in 1.5.9 I will find it domage,
if the mutt developers do not include such feature...

    Michelle Konzack

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
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