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Re: how to view MS files within mutt?

On 2006-03-10, phyrster <phyrster@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 17:38 Thu 09 Mar 2006, Gary Johnson wrote:
> > 
> > mutt_bgrun is a script that puts the viewer in the background so
> > that mutt can continue to run while you view the attachment.  More
> > information and the script itself can be found here:
> > 
> >     http://www.spocom.com/users/gjohnson/mutt/#background
> Thank you for your prompt reply. It worked very well. Now I have another
> problem: when I use xzgv to view attached pictures, it is ok. But when I use
> zgv to view them, I got this error:
>       zgv: you must be the owner of the current console to run zgv.
> How to slove this problem? I am using mutt under urxvt and I thought it is
> convenient that I can just view the pictures under mutt's pager. Is it
> possible?

Since you didn't say exactly what you did to use zgv, I'm not sure 
what the solution might be.  Also, I don't know anything about zgv 
except what I got out of briefly looking at 

It looks like zgv displays images on an SVGA console, so not in a 
terminal and not in an X window.  Mutt's pager displays text, not 
images.  Further, when mutt's pager uses a program specified in the 
mailcap to help it view an attachment, it captures the stdout of the 
program, and it appears that zgv doesn't really use stdin and 
stdout, it grabs control of the console, so zgv's whole I/O scheme 
is not really compatible with that of mutt's pager.

You might be able to write a little shell code for the mailcap entry 
that would launch zgv whenever you open a message containing an 
image, but zgv would then take over your console and you wouldn't 
have control of mutt again, or even be able to see it, until you 
closed zgv.  That also means you'd be firing up zgv every time you 
opened such a message, making reading the text of the message 

So if you're running mutt in a console, I think your best bet is to 
run zgv from the attachment menu, and not in the background.  If you 
tried running it in the background, that might be why you got the 
error message.

> I also want to try xv as suggested in your webpage, but right now 
> I got a broken package under Debian sid:
>       The following packages have unmet dependencies.
>         xv: Depends: libtiff3g but it is not installable
>         E: Broken packages
> so I might as well use zgv for inline view or do you know any other console
> image viewer that has an autofit feature?



Gary Johnson                               | Agilent Technologies
garyjohn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   | Wireless Division
http://www.spocom.com/users/gjohnson/mutt/ | Spokane, Washington, USA