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Re: mailboxes

Hello Iván,

Am 2006-02-15 17:00:24, schrieb Iván Forcada Atienza:

> Wow... I've just found the way to acomplish this :-))). A simple php
> script does the trick (I supose it could also be achieved with perl, but
> i know nothing about perl :-().

;-)  Me too... but PHP is great.


> Of course, you need a working php-imap extension.
> Finally, something like:
> mailboxes `php ~/.muttconfig/getImapFolders.php | tr '.' '='`
>  sould be added to your .muttrc

Which works only, if you have ONLY one level of Mailboxes
and no subfolder...

because I have   .ML_debian/
In localmode it works, because you see all Directories in ONE level,
but connecting via IMAP, you will see only ".ML_debian/".

> Hope it helps anybody :-)

I think, the script need to be improved...  :-)

    Michelle Konzack

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