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Re: editor settings

Am 2005-12-15 23:26 +0100 schrieb Patrick Ben Koetter:
> Let's see. I am not the vim configuration professional I wish I was, but I
> have this in my .vimrc:

I use perl for that. In my .vimrc I have

" This is really kewl for textformating, But you have to install

imap <C-K> <esc> !G perl -MText::Autoformat -e
nmap <C-K>       !G perl -MText::Autoformat -e
vmap <C-K>       !G perl -MText::Autoformat -e

imap <C-L> <esc> !G perl -MText::Autoformat -e
nmap <C-L>       !G perl -MText::Autoformat -e
vmap <C-L>       !G perl -MText::Autoformat -e

(argh, six lines, how do I switch of linebreking in vim temporarily ;))

C-k adjusts a whole paragraph then. I never used it for my own
paragraphs, only for others while quoting but it should do the job.


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