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Re: Two manipulations I do a lot

On 2005-12-05, Jean-Rene David <jrdavid@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> There are few operations which I would love to be
> able to do more smoothly using mutt. I wonder how
> people are doing them, because I find the way I do
> them rather clunky.

> 2. (a little more tricky I think) While replying
>    to a message, I want to quote a passage from
>    another message in my mailbox. Currently I need
>    to: 
>    - postpone the message I am editing
>    - go find the message containing the 
>      desired passage
>    - open it with vim (err, the external editor)
>    - save the passage I want in a temporary file
>    - recall the postponed message
>    - read in the temporary file with the desired
>      passage.
>    I am not so sure what would be the desired
>    behavior in this case, but I do wonder how
>    others do it. I do this quite often and find
>    it pretty inconvenient.

In addition to the other ideas presented here, sometimes I will 
execute the following within vim:

    :split $MAIL

(or whatever mailbox I'm replying from), search for the message of 
interest, and just yank and put the desired passage.


Gary Johnson                               | Agilent Technologies
garyjohn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   | Wireless Division
http://www.spocom.com/users/gjohnson/mutt/ | Spokane, Washington, USA