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Sending mail in ISO-8859-1 instead of UTF-8

I've just upgraded one of my machines to a UTF-8 setup/input
and I'm running mutt 1.5.6+20040907i

I'm using mlterm in UTF-8, so when I send é (e'), mlterm uses
UTF-8 and inputs é (à ©) in vim.

This is fine, except that when I'm about to send the mail mutt tells
text/plain, 8bit, iso-8859-1
when this is clearly wrong since the accentuated character I inputted
is in UTF-8

Now, if I paste some double byte Japanese in UTF-8, mutt then correctly
sends the mail in UTF-8 format

The documentation says:
  6.3.241.  send_charset

  Type: string
  Default: "us-ascii:iso-8859-1:utf-8"

  A list of character sets for outgoing messages. Mutt will use the
  first character set into which the text can be converted exactly.  If
  your ````$charset'''' is not iso-8859-1 and recipients may not
  understand UTF-8, it is advisable to include in the list an
  appropriate widely used standard character set (such as iso-8859-2,
  koi8-r or iso-2022-jp) either instead of or after "iso-8859-1".

So, either 
1) mutt should have detected that I typed UTF-8 and send it as is
or (better)
2) mutt should convert e' double byte é into single byte é and
   then the sending charset of iso-8859-1 would be correct.

Ideally, I do want #2 since I'd rather not send double byte mail if
to people who can only process iso-8859-1 (just like mutt sends us-ascii
if there are no high bit characters in the mail)
How do I do that? Or is it a known problem and am I forced to tell mutt
to use utf-8 if my input method is utf-8?

Oh, as for the value of $charset in mutt, I feel silly, but I have no
idea how to display variables inside of mutt at the : prompt.
How does one do that?

"A mouse is a device used to point at the xterm you want to type in" - A.S.R.
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