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Re: Two beginner problems - formail and bogofilter

On Wednesday, November  2 at 10:49 AM, quoth Carthik Sharma:
$ formail -s procmail < Inbox

I let it run overnight, and then in the morning, I found that only a
few messages had been processed. Significantly, some messages were not
re-delivered correctly. Does this always take a long, long time, or is
there a problem with how I am doing it?

No idea - I don't use formail much (I don't trust it -- it ends up mangling messages more than I think it should).

But, it may be faster to first convert your Inbox to a Maildir, and then send them through procmail, like so (uses this perl script: http://www.qmail.org/mbox2maildir -- remember to make a copy of your inbox first, as the script is destructive):

   env MAIL=Inbox MAILDIR=Inbox.tmp/ mbox2maildir
   for msg in Inbox.tmp/new/* ; do
       procmail < $msg &

Problem 2:
I have the following macro for unmarking a message as spam, marking it
as normal mail and re-filtering it:
macro   index   H       "<enter-command>unset
wait_key\n<pipe-entry>bogofilter -Sn -l\n<pipe-entry>formail -I
X-Bogosity|procmail\n<enter-command>set wait_key\n<delete-message>"
"Unmark as spam, mark as non-spam and refilter to correct mailbox"

The problem is that whenever I press H from some folder, it take about
1-2 minutes before I can use mutt again, since I have to wait for the
processing to complete before I can resume using Mutt. With about 100
message in my "unsure-bogofilter" folder that need to be marked as
"not-spam" this wait is unacceptable.
Is there something I can do to ensure that the re-processing occurs in
the background, so I can continue to use Mutt after using the "H"

Have you tried putting an ampersand in the command? Like so:

macro index H "<enter-command>unset wait_key<enter><pipe-entry>bogofilter -Sn -l &<enter><pipe-entry>formail -I X-Bogosity|procmail &<enter><enter-command>set wait_key<enter><delete-message>" "Unmark as spam, mark as non-spam and refilter to correct mailbox"

I tried unsuccessfully to tag all the messages and try to do an "H" on
tagged messages - what is the right way of invoking a macro on all
tagged messages?

By default? It's the ; key. You may also be interested in the auto_tag preference (set auto_tag).

Also, after 3 weeks, bogofilter still incorrectly marks spam as ham
and ham as "unsure". Is this normal?

No idea - I've never used bogofilter (I'm a spamassassin devotee). Just fyi, all bayesian databases rely more on the volume than the time. So if, in the course of 3 weeks, you've only gotten 4 spam messages (for example), it's probably not going to be very accurate.

This is one of the main problems with filters that are exclusively bayesian.

One of the world's greatest problems is the impossibilty of any person searching for the truth on any subject when they believe they already have it.
                                                         -- Dave Wilbur

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