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Re: why can't mutt use gvim to compose messages?

On 11:08 Fri 28 Oct 2005, Pizza Galaxy wrote:
> You need to actually edit the file that mutt opens for its  text input.
> Your .muttrc should contain:
> set autoedit=yes
> set edit_headers=yes
> These two lines let you edit the body and headers in one file.

Yes, I have put these two lines in .muttrc and now I can see they worked. 
> Be sure your environment variables EDITOR and VISUAL are set to your vim
> editor. E.g.
> export EDITOR=/bin/vim

I want to use /usr/bin/gvim as the default editor for mutt. 
As you have suggested, I have done

export EDITOR=/usr/bin/gvim
export VISUAL=/usr/bin/gvim

in a terminal and run mutt in it. But the problem still exits

"Aborted unmodified message."

Anything wrong with the two lines above?

> > Hi mutters, 
> > 
> > I tried using gvim to compose message under mutt, but when I write and quit
> > gvim, mutt prompted 
> > 
> > "Aborted unmodified message."
> > 
> > but with vim under X terminal, it worked very well. 
> > 
> > Here is the line in my .muttrc
> > 
> > |set editor="/usr/bin/gvim +':set nopaste' +':set textwidth=77' +':set 
> > wrap' +\`awk '/^$/ {print i+2; exit} {i++}' %s\` %s" 
> > 
> > What's going wrong here?
> > 
> > 
> > regards, 
> > 
> > bxuef



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