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Re: Deleted mails to a folder

On Thu, Oct 27, 2005 at 07:42:46PM, Michael Kjorling wrote:
> On 2005-10-27 15:38 -0400, iqbala-mutt-users@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> > I like to have an option where when I press 'd' it will delete as it
> > does but will put it in a designated folder. Currently when I delete an
> Something like:
> macro index d "<save-message>=Trash<enter>"
> macro pager d "<save-message>=Trash<enter>"

Macro definition worked perfect. Now is there a way I can save in two
folders using one macro?

> You could use folder-hooks to change the action to <delete-message>
> when in the =Trash mailbox.

I may explore this as well

Thanks a lot

> -- 
> Michael Kj?rling, michael@xxxxxxxxxxxx - http://michael.kjorling.com/
> * ASCII Ribbon Campaign: Against HTML Mail, Proprietary Attachments *
> * ..... No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings ..... *

Asif Iqbal
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