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Re: How to display format=flowed?

On Wednesday, October 12 at 03:06 PM, quoth David Champion:
I already have a PARINIT, though, so I'll just take the bits that
change for this purpose. :) My PARINIT='rTbgq B=.,?!_A_a Q=_s>|+' .
Adding P is certainly wise, for e-mail, but I don't always want it.  I
found R unappealing as it terminates the display if anything fills a
single line up to the screen width.

Fair enough. For what it's worth, I've also seen people use } as a quote character.

Really there should be a "$cols -= 2" in there, too.  I added that
just before posting, for portability. :p

Good point.

Hmm... this almost makes it desirable to switch directions and use the
filter by default, with a macro for the cases where I *don't* want it.

;) I would, but since I chain it with t-prot, it's kinda slow.

Personally, I like having par reformat the signature too - not because it can play havoc with ascii-art, but because some folks (like myself) actually have flow-able text (e.g. quotes).

# Reflow the body, if formatter is found.
open (FMT, "| $fmt") or *FMT = *STDOUT;
while (<STDIN>) {
  # Stop reflowing at signature indicator. Can't just reassign output
  # fh because it can put perl's output and $fmt's output out of
  # order.
  if (/^-- $/) {
      $has_sig = 1;
  print FMT "$_";

# Copy the .signature, if found.
if ($has_sig) {
  print while (<STDIN>);


~Kyle -- I think your life is judged not by how much you have taken but
by how much you give back.
                                               -- Arnold Schwarzenegger

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