Re: changing inline body from text/plain to text/html on the command line
* On 2005.09.25, in <20050925165737.GC26710@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
* "David Champion" <dgc@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >
> > This is simple to do in interactive mode, but so far I cannot find a way
> > to do it from the command line. Is it even possible?
> No, it's not. Mutt runs fully automatic when its input is stdin, and
> there aren't command line options for such a level of detail.
> You'd need to use interactive mode with "-e 'push ...'" to slip in
> commands (or keystrokes) that do what you want and then exit.
Er, let me clarify. It is possible, just not using the "cat file
| mutt" pattern. You should be able to come up with a sequence of
keystrokes/commands that you can push which will do exactly what you
want with no interaction. Just observe each keystroke you type when
you do this interactively, and push them.
-D. dgc@xxxxxxxxxxxx NSIT University of Chicago