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Re: mutt to show hi-bit chars once & for all?

On Sat 09/17/05 at 01:17 PM +0200,
Alain Bench <messtic@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

[that I wrote:]
> > In my muttrc:
> >| set charset="us-ascii:iso-8859-1:utf-8"
>     Remove this line. And check what Mutt says when you type directly
> ":set &charset ?charset".

When I comment-out that line from my .muttrc and enter your command
above, Mutt says:


Also, as a consequence of commenting-out the "set charset" line in my
.muttrc, I lose the thread-tree character in mutt's index.  It gets
replaced with two small "a"s with the tiny circumflex above each "a".
Immediately to the right of the two small "a"s, the "greater-than" sign
is left intact.

> >| set config_charset="utf-8"
>     Beware: This *has* to be true. Your muttrc and all sourced files
> have to be really written in UTF-8.

Would you give me a few examples of what I might *not* have "written in
UTF-8" that would need to be changed, and how changed?

> > In my .zshenv:
> >| # export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8      <--- ( commented-out )
>     Remove this line.

The line is now removed.  (It had been commented-out for a long
time anyway, and was never really used.)

> The rule is to *never* use LC_ALL.

I assume this is because, as the Z-shell man page says, "This variable
overrides the value of the 'LANG' variable and the value of any of the
other variables starting with 'LC_'."

> Unless you know what you're doing. And when you know what you're
> doing, you don't export it in .zshenv anyway.

Mind if I ask why?  I'm currently exporting *all* of my shell
environment variables.  I'm sure you're right, I'm just curious
about why and what's at work.

> >| export LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8
>     Hum... What do you see in shell typing:
> | $ printf "\xC3\xBC"
> | \374\012

I assume the "f" at the end of "print" is a typo (especially since
including it returned nothing).


                print "\xC3\xBC"

at my zsh prompt returns:


(In case the above does not display correctly for anyone, that's
a capital "A" with a cedilla above it, and a small "pi" sign to
the immediate right of it.)  What that means, I have no idea.

Also, when I enter "locale" at my shell prompt, the following
is returned:

[panix1:~]  [v4.2.5]  zsh  1044 --> locale
[panix1:~]  [v4.2.5]  zsh  1045 -->

I'm guessing that I should not leave 'LANG' empty, as it is
now (even though it probably defaults to 'en_US'), and I've
totally forgotten what the "C" setting for all the others
does.  Anyone know?

Thanks for any advice.

I'm using mutt-1.5.10i with header-caching, by the way, built
against S-Lang-1.4.6, running zsh 4.2.5 on a NetBSD system (not
my own computer, my ISP's):

Mutt 1.5.10i (2005-08-11)
Copyright (C) 1996-2002 Michael R. Elkins and others.
Mutt comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `mutt -vv'.
Mutt is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `mutt -vv' for details.

System: NetBSD 2.0 (i386) [using slang 10406] [using libiconv 1.9]
Compile options:
To contact the developers, please mail to <mutt-dev@xxxxxxxx>.
To report a bug, please use the flea(1) utility.

                         // rj@xxxxxxxxx //