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Re: introduction / first question and special characters

Hello Alain,

> > On 11:39 Sat 10 Sep     , Alain Bench wrote:
> >> check output of the locale tester in infosig.
> > what is that?
>     <URL:http://www.in-ulm.de/~mascheck/locale/checklocale.c>

I will test that. Thanks for the link.
>     Libiconv would have added something as:
> |     libiconv.so.2 => /hdd2/usr/lib/libiconv.so.2
>     Why have you installed libiconv?

Because I needed it for some other software.
And in my notes I have written that I also need it for mutt. hmm... forgot
why, but I must have read it somewhere that it is needed.

> What happens if you build Mutt with
> the same +LOCALES_HACK after you renamed out /hdd2/usr/include/iconv.h?

I have done so now.
No obvious difference to before. (make complained about the missing iconv.h,
so I had to re-./configure mutt first. After that make did not complain
anymore. This means, that mutt really uses other iconv functions now,
doesn't it?


Dipl.-Ing. Daniel Hertrich
Reichertshofen, Germany

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