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Re: True Collapse thread function needed

On Wed, Jul 27, 2005 at 11:23:57PM -0500, Jeremy Blosser wrote:
> On Jul 27, Ligesh [gxlists@xxxxxxxxx] wrote:
> > 
> >  Hi,
> > 
> >   Now the problem is that there is no true collapse-thread function. 
> > Currently the 'collapse-thread' in actuality is 'toggle-collapse-thread' , 
> > and actually toggles the state, which is a bit irritable. I would like to 
> > know if someone can add a proper collapse-thread function. Call it 
> > 'do-collapse-thread' and 'do-collapse-all'.
> I had patches for this a while ago, I plan to dust them off at some point
> and redo them based on the comments I got back.

 A true collapse-thread function is a necessity, and it will be in tune with 
the general mutt philosophy of giving the user full power to configure it as he 
sees fit. Curently the only way to have a 'always-collapsed' index is to remap 
'q' to 'Q<ESC>V<ESc>v', that is uncollapse and collapse again when you return 
from the pager. The problem is the the screen gets completely redrawn and you 
will suddenly find yourself at the end of the message with a single message on 
the screen.

 So can you just submit the patch. 
