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Re: alias_file on IMAP server?

Michelle Konzack wrote:

> The Debian version of "mutt" is compiled against TLS and not
> OpenSSH. You should "apt-get source mutt" and change the options
> before recompiling wirh "dpkg-buildpackage".
> After this, you can user publickeys (on USB-Key ?) to access "courier".

Thank you for the quick reply!

After some fudging around with the debian source, I managed to compile
a mutt with SSL (and without gnutls) support. I can't seem to figure out
how to make it use public-keys though. I expect I need to use the
ssl_client_cert variable in my muttrc file, but how do I generate a
certificate/publickey with openSSL, and how do I tell the courier
server that it should accept this key?

I'm going to look into using ldap (lbdb) with mutt, but I think it may be
easier to write a small script on the server and use ssh to run it as
an external query for mutt.

Thanks again for your help,
       Hein Zelle


  Hein Zelle            zelle@xxxxxxxxx
  ARGOSS                http://www.argoss.nl