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Re: Mutt strating up.

Erik Jakobsen wrote:
> Starting at the user prompt with just mutt gave this at 
> the bottom of the mutt window:
> /var/mail/erikja is not a mailbox.  
> What do I have to do then ?

Ok, where is your mail?

Mutt's default configuration expects to find your mail in
/var/mail/<username> but this is obviously not your case*.

If you need to get your mail from a provider, using POP3 for example,
you have 2 options:

1. Most common solution: configure the "fetchmail" program to download
   your mail automatically from POP3 servers every x minutes, storing it
   into /var/mail/<username> where mutt can find it.

2. Seldom used, slower but possibly simpler solution: do without
   fetchmail, instead have mutt download your mail when you open it.
   In this case you will need to put a few lines in .muttrc containing
   your pop3 server, username and maybe password.

For solution #1 (which I suggest) you should read some introductory
material to fetchmail: after you have fetchmail running, mutt will find
the downloaded mail automatically.

For solution #2, see Mutt's manual §4.11 and §6.3.200 to 208.


*: To be precise mutt by default expects to find mail in the place
specified in the environment variable $MAIL

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