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Re: Colouring threads and splitting the screen

On 2004-11-18, Jose Alves de Castro <jcastro@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi, guys.
> Using Google I came across these two screenshots of Mutt:
> http://www.jhweiss.de/img/mutt_index.png
> http://www.jhweiss.de/img/mutt_mail.png
> I can see in those two screenshots at least two features I'd like to add
> to my .muttrc, but don't know how.
> First, I'd like to have each thread with a different colour (currently,
> they're all white).

The author of those screen shots didn't say what criteria he used 
for coloring and I didn't see that he had posted his muttrc anywhere 
on the site, so I don't know exactly what to suggest.  Messages can 
be colored according to criteria such as Subject, From address, and 
whether they are from a known list.  Take a look at these sections 
of the mutt manual:

    3.7 Using color and mono video attributes
    4.2 Patterns
> Secondly, I'd like to split the screen, so that I could see the list of
> mails on top and have one of them opened beneath that list.

That one is easy.  Add a line like this to your muttrc:

    set pager_index_lines=7


Gary Johnson                               | Agilent Technologies
garyjohn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   | Wireless Division
http://www.spocom.com/users/gjohnson/mutt/ | Spokane, Washington, USA