outgoing mail saved to my sent folder
I this working perfectly until "something" happened.
Maybe from the moment I ran mutt remotely, while a copy was already running
I don't know but...
outgoing mails are no longer saved to my sent folder.
I have:
fcc-hook .*luke@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx* sent
in my .muttrc
The second problem I have since the same "something" is:
the mailboxes that should show new mail, no longer do so,
I have a list of mailbox commands like:
mailboxes = lajug
mailboxes = ajug
mailboxes = mutt
in my .muttrc
but when new mail comes in (as I can see from the logfile) I am not notified.
As I said this all worked until I logged in remotely (I think),
Meanwhile I have freshly rebooted the machine but the problem persists.
any clues?
this is my muttrc
set spoolfile="/myS/mail/Inbox"
set folder ="/myS/mail"
set mail_check=10
set timeout=5
set mbox = "/myS/mail/Inbox"
set pop_host = "bla.bla.147.156"
set pop_user = "jam" #set pop_user = "slidejam"
set pop_pass = "foobar"
set pop_delete
set mime_forward = yes
mailboxes = mlug
mailboxes = slug
mailboxes = nylug
mailboxes = Inbox
mailboxes = cubase
mailboxes = spamMail
mailboxes = windowMaker
mailboxes = postgres
mailboxes = lula
mailboxes = mckoi
mailboxes = linuxMusic
mailboxes = tomcat
mailboxes = rxtx
mailboxes = lajug
mailboxes = ajug
mailboxes = mutt
unset use_from
set envelope_from
my_hdr From: luke@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
set sort = reverse-date-sent
set pager_context=5
set pager_index_lines=5
set pager_stop
set date_format = "%d%b%Y @ %R"
set attribution = "%d %n thusly spake"
set index_format = "%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-25.25L (%4l) %s"
alias muttUsers <mutt-users@xxxxxxxx>
alias slug <slug@xxxxxxxxxxx>
alias nylug <nylug-talk@xxxxxxxxx>
alias tomcat <tomcat-user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
alias wm <wm-user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
alias luke <luke@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
# no prompting for purging messages
set delete = yes
macro index <f4> "<delete-pattern>~r>80d | ~m 2001-<enter>" "delete 80days+ OR
2500+ messages"