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Re: Screwball characters

On Tuesday, October 26 at 11:54 AM, quoth Matthew M Davis:
> I have intermittent troubles with characters not rendering properly.
> Very common examples include em-dashes rendering as "?" and a bunch of
> characters that show up in the format "\22x".

I have occasional troubles with \22x characters as well (haven't dug 
down to the bottom of it), but em-dashes showing up as a question-mark, 
for me, has always been a case of "locale+terminal problem". I've taken 
to using xterm in utf-8-mode (e.g. use the uxterm wrapper), which 
generally takes care of the problem (sometimes the \22x thingies pop up, 
still, but much more rarely---I suspect a mis-labeled encoding or 
something like that).

One caveat to that... uxterm will attempt to set LC_CTYPE to something 
involving UTF-8---you'll need all the proper support for UTF-8 locales, 
and you'll need to not overwrite all those LC_* and LANG envariables 
with "POSIX"---leave them alone, and let uxterm handle it.

Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what
to have for dinner.
-- James Bovard

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