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Re: urlview and weirdo characters

Am 2004-10-05 13:37:37, schrieb Matthew M Davis:
> Forgive, please, this modestly off-topic question:
> Periodically, I get emails that include embedded URLs that render fine
> in Mutt's internal pager, but that render improperly when urlview
> extracts them for launch.
> In particular, it seems that the '.' character in these URLs gets
> turned into '=2E'.

I have already writen a Bugreport to the Debian/BTS. 

I think, urlview should handel =2E and =3D

> Suggestions?

I have writen my own URLVIEW as BASH sript which works fine...

=3D     =>      equal
=$      =>      linebreak to remove
=3E     =       point on begining of newline

> Matthew M Davis
> <mmd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>


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