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Header-Cache problem with cache size


I am using

  ____ ( 'stdin' ) _____________________________________________________
|  mutt:
|    Installed: 1.5.6-20040818+0.backports.org.1
|    Candidate: 1.5.6-20040818+0.backports.org.1
|    Version Table:
|   *** 1.5.6-20040818+0.backports.org.1 0
|          400 http://www.backports.org woody/all Packages
|          100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
|       1.5.6-20040722+0.backports.org.1 0
|          400 http://woody.debian.tamay-dogan.net woody/all Packages


The Cache file in /tmp/ is more then 200 MBytes big and  open a Maildir,
like the linux-kernel with 8000 Messges requires more the 35 seconds. 

The FileServer is a Duron 1600 wirh 512 MB of memory and a 3Ware Raid-5
with 3 x 80 GByte Samsung and Intel 1000MT

The Workststion is a Dual-Opteron with 8 GByte of memory, 3 Ware Raid-5
SATA 3 x 250 GByte and a Intel 1000MT on a PCI-X

The /home is mounted via NFS and Filetransfers are up to 600 MBits.

The older version of mutt, without Header-Cache was realy fast...
Around 5 Seconds to get the Maildir. 
I was thinking, it is faster now  :-(

Oh yes, I have:

  ____ ( '/home/michelle/.mutt/muttrc' ) _______________________________
|  set header_cache="/tmp/mutt-michelle"
|  set header_cache_pagesize=16384
|  set maildir_header_cache_verify=yes

Do I mis something ?


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