From field being set incorrectly when using multiple imap accounts
I've just started using mutt and I really enjoy it. However, I've been
having trouble configuring it for the way I need to have my e-mail
set-up. Basically I have three imap accounts. One of them I access
from an ssh tunnel.
So I have the following configuration
account-hook . "unset imap_user; unset imap_pass; unset tunnel;"
account-hook imaps://server1 'source ~/.mutt/server1'
account-hook imaps://server2 'source ~/.mutt/server2'
account-hook imap://server3 'source ~/.mutt/server3'
- server1 -
set imap_user=ihde
set from="ihde@xxxxxxxx"
mailbox =
- server2 -
set imap_user=ihde
set from="ihde@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
mailbox =
- server3 -
set imap_user=maihde
set from="mike.ihde@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
set tunnel="ssh -q server3 /usr/bin/courier-imapd 2> /dev/null .maildir"
mailboxes =
mailboxes =wmi-devel
If I change my folder to server 2, then later to server 3, and then back
to 2 the From: header stays mike.ihde@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx If I then
switch to server 1 the header is set correctly. Now if I go back to 2
it is "ihde@xxxxxxxx" it seems that if I go back to a folder I
have all ready visited then the from field doesn't get changed. Is the
account-hook only occuring the first time I access the server? Do I
need to then use a folder-hook also?
Michael Ihde - Graduate Research Assistant
* PERFORM Group - University of Illinois