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Re: RFC 1847 encapsulated PGP messages

On 2004-08-15 14:37:28 +0200, Michael Kjorling wrote:

> The recent discussion about PGP/MIME support (or rather lack
> thereof) in other clients made me curious, and I had a look at
> RFC 3156. I didn't find specifically what I was looking for, but
> I *did* run across section 6.1 on "RFC 1847 Encapsulation". I
> sometimes receive e-mails in that format (first signed, then
> encrypted separately) and was wondering if it is possible to make
> Mutt verify the signature that is only available after the
> message has been decrypted?

Mutt does verify these signatures.

Thomas Roessler ยท Personal soap box at <http://log.does-not-exist.org/>.

Attachment: pgpinTZImCpyd.pgp
Description: PGP signature