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re: Black text on white background

On Sat, Jul 10, 2004 at 08:26:33PM -0400, Adam Shostack wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 10, 2004 at 05:15:46PM -0700, Kerry Wilson wrote:
> | I'm trying out mutt, and I notice that by default, it uses white text
> | on a black background.  That's sick and wrong.  I know a lot of you
> | actually prefer your text consoles to have black backgrounds, and
> | that's your right, and de gustibus non est disputandum and all that,
> | but I can't use something like that.
> | 
> | So it seems to me that I have to change my color settings in my .muttrc
> | file to a sane white background.  Rather than have me experiment and
> | change every setting one at a time (and risk possibly missing some
> You're so right.  Sick and wrong it is!
> color index blue default "~A"
> color status default cyan
> color normal black default
> color quoted blue default
> color indicator blue color7
> color markers yellow green
> color tree yellow default
> color header blue default ^Subject:
> # you probably don't want this next one
> color header blue default ^(In-Reply-To|X-MIMETrack|X-Mailer)
> mono quoted none 
> mono underline none 
> mono bold none

The first time I stuck this in my .muttrc file, things got even more sick
and wrong.  Eventually, I ended up recompiling mutt with ncurses instead
of slang, and things got much better.  With slang, I couldn't seem to get
a white background, even when I asked for it.  It always turned out gray
for some reason.  But now, mutt screens look presentable.  Thanks!

So far, mutt has got a lot of things going for it over Pine.  The big win
for me is that it handles threads a lot more to my liking.  The cons are
all the little things that mutt does wrong by default which forces me to
figure out the right thing to put in the .muttrc file so it doesn't annoy

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