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On Fri, Jun 25, 2004 at 08:57:39AM -0400 or thereabouts, Lennart Andersen wrote:
> How can set up filters in .procmailrc to fight spam or is there a external
> program I can use?

Well there are a bunch of procmail filters(1) one can use, but I find that
methodology cumbersome. I'd rather use an application like Spamprobe or
Spamassassin to do this. Both can be called from one's procmailrc.

I use Spamprobe, simply because for *MY* needs, it's the faster of the two.
Spamassassin(2) is a bunch of perl scripts with a Bayesian filter incorporated.
Spamprobe(3) is a C++ application that uses Bayesian exclusively. Spamprobe is
extremely fast, because it is a compiled application in C++.

    (1) <http://freshmeat.net/projects/yavr/>
    (2) <www.spamassassin.org/>
    (3) <http://spamprobe.sourceforge.net/>

barnyard  Friday Jun 25 2004 09:10:01 AM EDT
New York now leads the world's great cities in the number of people around
whom you shouldn't make a sudden move.
                -- David Letterman

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