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Hi there,

just wondered about a setting, when i just tried to add IMAP
mailboxes to the 'mailboxes' command.

Although the setting

mailboxes 'imap://username:password@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/folder'
seems syntactically correct, it does not login directly with the
given username and password, but asks me for entering the pw.

The same setting given on commandline with "-f" and defined as
spoolfile does work fine.

Any hints, why "mailboxes" isn't accepting the password in the IMAP
url? Or is it a bug (that has possibly been resolved already)?

The system is FreeBSD 5.2-CURRENT with mutt-

And... one simple bug but seen for years now: When having opened an
IMAP box with emais, the last one (marked with the bar) is not
visible in the email listing, but the line is shown in bold in the
status line until a CTRL-L is given. Seems to me like a (n)curses
problem but not sure.

With kind regards,

        Frank Altpeter

P.S. Please CC me, i'm not subscribed