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Re: More mutt motions

so spake Mutter [2004.04.26 @ 02:42]:
>  [ ... 1 reasonable question ... ]
>  [ ... 9 random permutations of the same question ... ]
hi...coupla things.

   1.  90% of your questions can be answered by TFM.  please read it.
       people always say that man pages are hard to read, but that's
       because they don't know how to read them.  just keep at it, and
       one day it will be the most natural thing in the world.  next
       thing you know, you'll be sporting a shirt that says RTFM...
   2.  try thinking about what kind of question you want to ask before
       you do.  take a look at this FAQ that will explain to you how to
       ask good questions on public forums such as these.  not to be
       mean, but your last email was a poster child for bad
       questioning.  check out the FAQ, you'll see what i mean.


   3.  the valid question in your email was the very first one.  you
       the one were mutt, the program, seems to be freezing and not
       responding appropriately.  if you want it answered, rephrase 
       it in a way that it has a chance.  state your problem and what 
       you did to get in that state.  versions of software are 
       important.  germane system configuration and the like will also
       clue all us non-clairvoyant people in to your world.
> P.S.: I'm not able to use mutt right now for posting this due to problems
> with the MTA so don't flame me anyone.

   4.  no one on this list should purposefully flame you for using pine.
       they will, and probably already have, however, flame you for
       not Reading The Fucking Manual.  again, i'm not trying to be a
       dick, i'm just trying to help you out.  no need to apologize or
       anything.  just think before you expect the mailing list to
       automatically solve all your problems.  two or three of your
       questions might have had a chance by themselves, because most of
       them are one liners.  but ten of the same kind of questions...
       sorry man. . . :)

good luck,
//  ste\/e || 0x44288D05 //

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