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Re: problems with german key / locales

Re: Enrico Weigelt in <20040424033707.GA25912@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> I've set my system to use german locales (LANG=de+friends). 
> But now mutt changes some keys, i.e. those for the sort menu
> (normally bound to "o"), so I have to type "of" instead of "ot"
> for threaded sorting. Is there any chance to change these keys ?
> (can they also be bound ?)

No, you can't change that. If it really bugs you, edit po/de.po and
change/remove all translations, e.g.:

#: commands.c:505
msgid ""
"Sort (d)ate/(f)rm/(r)ecv/(s)ubj/t(o)/(t)hread/(u)nsort/si(z)e/s(c)ore?: "
msgstr ""
"ert?: "

#: commands.c:506
msgid "dfrsotuzc"
msgstr "danbefugw"

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