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Evolution honcho uses mutt for personal mail

* Javier Linares <javier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> [2004-04-23 13:41:23 +0200]:

I checked out Javier's blog at


and was interested to see he'd come across an admission by Migel de Icaza,
the honcho behind Evolution, that de Icaza himself uses mutt to weed out spam in
his personal mail.  Reference is here:


I am in the process of moving from Evolution to mutt.  I find it interesting
that the guy who is pushing this big and fancy and pretty GUI-centric
program finds it necessary to use mutt to get a basic job accomplished.

Seth Williamson
Daleville, VA

>  .''`.   Javier Linares
> : :'  :  javier at javierlinares.com
> `. `'`   http://javierlinares.com  
>   `-