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Re: copy of outgoing mesasage

On 21/04/04 14.47, Robert Zalesny wrote:
> Hi Mutt Users,
> I have the following problem: 
> There is a directory with ca 200 mailboxes (each for a different
> recipient). They are named exactly as respective aliases are, 
> i.e. for the alias:
> alias me_and_my_desire  dove@xxxxxxx
> there is a mailbox named: me_and_my desire.
> How to enable by default to save outgoing message to mailbox named
> exactly as alias?? 
> Every time I can specify it by hand... but it's boring...
> I can use option 
> save_name=yes
> and make symbolic link ln -fs some_path/Mail/alias some_path/Mail/user
> but it doesn't satisfy me...
> I would really appreciate any hints!
> Thanks in advance

Well, you source the aliases, so assuming that you have an alias file
with only this particular group of aliases, you could change the
'source "~/.mutt/aliases" or whatever to something like

  source "perl -pe 's/alias (\S+) (\S+)/alias $1 $2\nsave-hook \"~f $2\" 
=$1\n/' ~/.mutt/aliases|"

Modify as needed, perhaps put the code in a script somewhere to make
it easier to maintain and extend, make the pattern match more general
aliases, etc.


Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.
                -- Albert Einstein

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