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Re: Quote indentation string and multilevel quoting

On Apr 08 2004 16:06, dgc@xxxxxxxxxxxx sent:
> I would look at $editor: perhaps set it to the name of a script that
> performs the transformation you want (using sed, perl, python, whatever

Now there's an idea I hadn't thought of, but which makes a lot of
sense. Thanks for the suggestion!

For the benefit of the archives, here is the essense of what I came up
with after a bit of experimenting:

        perl -e 'while(<>) { while(/^(>+ )+/) { ~s:^(>+) (^>.+)?:$1$2:; } \
        ~s:^(>+) *(^>+)?:$1 $2:; ~s:^(>*) +$:$1:; print; }'

This little oneliner probably isn't the most efficient way of doing
things, but it seems to get the job done without getting caught in any
infinite loops at least.

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