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Re: mutt and postfix's /usr/sbin/sendmail

On Apr 01 2004 14:43, sami@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx sent:
> I've spent some time in the last week to set up a nice .muttrc and get
> familiar with using mutt. I've never enjoyed reading e-mail more.

Hmmm, it must be common. I found that too after getting a bit more
used to Mutt (been using Pine for the last few years, but felt like
switching to something else that had better support for PGP and a less
restrictive license), and it being so configurable certainly doesn't
make a good program any worse. But, enough praise for this great
application, on to the question...

> However, one thing I do miss is sending e-mail. Since mutt uses
> /usr/sbin/sendmail and it is supposed to just work (and probably usually

I don't have any `set sendmail' at all in my .muttrc, am running
Postfix locally, and it works great. In my run control file, I set
`from', `realname' (I realize this may be a bit redudant), and
`envelope_from' to yes. No ill side effects as far as I can tell, and
sending e-mail is not a problem.

Other than that, pretty much all I have is directives to customize
Mutt to work and appear the way I like it (admittedly, a lot of them)
- and sending e-mail works great. And, oh, yes, Postfix is installed
under /usr (as in /usr/sbin/sendmail and /usr/sbin/postfix) in case
that makes a difference.

I know this doesn't really answer your question, but hopefully it's
enough to help point you in the right direction. I'm still a rookie
myself when it comes to Mutt, but have a fair bit of experience with
dogs, in case that'd make any difference with this mutt...

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