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Re: piping body and starting mutt for manuel editing?

Salve Christop,

Am Montag, 29. März 2004 17:10 schrieb Christoph Berg:
> Re: Robert Michel in <200403291656.51310.mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> > > using a pipe usually implies that you don't want to start an editor.
> >
> > man vi|grep stdin|vi -
> Well, using "vi" usually implies that you *do* want to start an
> editor ;-)

Hmm, yes AFAIK is there no use to run vi automated *g* but every GNU-Tool for 
automatic use could be used manualy. So I think mutt is inconsequent in this 
point to do not support this feature.

So my second question would have been how to start mutt interactive (for 
manuel editing) with an automatic quote of the clipboard as body?

BTW why does I`m interested to use these features?
Someone wrote an Java J2ME MIDP 1.0 SSH client (FloydSSH, see above), so it is 
possible to have secure connections via GPRS to a Linux/Unix... Shell and to 
run mutt on a server. **g**

At the moment I`m write some handy skrips for mobil data request on a 25 x 13 
character terminal on my mobil phone. When I have the (lynx) dump of some 
information about film,theater,trains,mensa.... I would like to pipe this 
script output to mutt to inform my friends easyly and quickly, without copy & 
paste. Using Pipe on the shell is very powerfull and I love doing things 
wget -O - URL_OF_IMAGE | cdrecord -v speed=4 -eject -

This is why I would like to see a pipe into mutt, too ;) Would be the option 
-I for "start with Interactive new-mail mode" reasonable option for a mutt 


Informations about FloydSSH:
Over one year I`m searching for one ssh client for Java J2ME for mobil phones 
like the simens S55 and now the good news:
- it is possible
- some has hacked it
- it is working 
- the client is with GPL. :)))

But consider, not every J2ME mobile phone support big midlets, or http access, 
so AFAIK the Nokia 6310i will never support telnet or ssh clients.

The czech Radek Polak needed only 8 days to hack this client by combining two 
existing GPLsed programs, telnet+ssh :) see:

I use a free shell from sdf.lonestar.org for testing it. Does anybody advise a 
Debian shell account?

To make it more populare the manual could be written better and I think to 
write an article for tuxmobil.org or some other magazins. I still have to 
solve how to use lynx/links with this limited columns - somebody an idea?

And for such an articel a collection of some shell-skripts/funktion would be 
fine, like:

English-German dictionary enquiry:

function leo { lynx -source "http://dict.leo.org?$@"; |    
grep "TABLE.*/TABLE"  |    
sed "s/^.*\(<TABLE.*TABLE>\).*$/<HTML><BODY>\1<\/BODY><\/HTML>/"  |    
lynx -stdin -dump -width=$COLUMNS -nolist; }

Wikipedia enquiry:
function wp { lynx -dump de.wikipedia.org/wiki/"$*"|more; }

Does you have more small shell scripts which could be useful for mobil use 
with FloydSSH? 

Have fun,

PS: Some ideas for this client
-keyboard interlock
-parsing for alerts (vibration when chat program shows @rob)
-more secure passwort use 

PS: Feedback how to use mutt with FloydSSH is wellcome ;)