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Macro and aterm

i've defined some Macros to let SpamAssassin know wich Mails it should
learn as Spam, like this:

macro   index   <F12>   |"/usr/local/bin/sa-learn --spam\n"

When I start mutt manually with in an aterm everything works fine, I
press F12 and the Message get's learned as Spam. However when I start
mutt from fluxbox with 'aterm -e mutt' and I press F12 mutt tells me
that the Key is not bound.
I even tried it with 'aterm -e zsh -i -c mutt' because I thought it
could be an issue of environmental variables, but it was without any
Are there any suggestions? I'm a little on thin ice here since I'm new
to mutt in general.

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