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Re: next-page previous-page

* On Thu, Mar 18, 2004 Jeff Fulmer (jeff@xxxxxxxxxx) muttered:
> On Thu, Mar 18, 2004 at 02:40:49PM +0100, Michael Tatge wrote:
> > You need to unbind them first
> > bind  pager \cf         noop
> > bind  pager \cf         next-pag
> Sadly, this didn't work...
> If it matters, this didn't work on mutt-1.0.1 or mutt-1.4.1 
> In an effort to reduce variables, I created a .muttrc file which
> contained only this:
> bind  pager \cf         noop
> bind  pager \cf         next-page
> And that didn't work. It still erased my pgp pass phrase.  Can I just
> turn off the pgp pass phrase stuff?

You did try it in the pager, didn't you? There is not function next-page
in the index, mind you.

Then I'm lost. This ought to work.
cat test.mutt 
bind pager \cf noop
bind pager \cf next-page
bind pager \cb noop
bind pager \cb previous-page

mutt -F test.mutt -e "push

^ all on one line of course

and it should read
^F          next-page              move to the next page

Tested with mutt and and even 1.4.1i. So unless you're
using some wiered patches it works.


Mi'who just build those 1.4 mutts to verify that'chael
There are no threads in a.b.p.erotica,  so there's no  gain in using a
threaded news reader.
(Unknown source)

PGP-Key: http://www-stud.ims.uni-stuttgart.de/~tatgeml/public.key