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Re: Calendar

On Mon, Mar 15, 2004 at 08:48:22AM +0100, Przemyslaw Gawronski wrote:
> Hi, on the centericq list someone has just mentioned about PAL:
> http://palcal.sourceforge.net/

Oh, great tool. I knew about ccal and gcal, but support for events in
palcal is great. I've filled an Intend To Package[1] for Debian and will
upload the package in a few days.

[1] http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2004/debian-devel-200403/msg01034.html

Thanks for the URL,

 .''`.   Javier Linares
: :'  :  javier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
`. `'`   http://javierlinares.com  

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